Holy Voodoo!

A well written short story about a guy who inherits the duty to care for a cemetary. It's the "family business". His father taught him not only the care duties, but the need to keep themselves apart from the people in the town because if they develop friendships, they will find themselves burying friends and their children and it's too much to take.
Michael, the protagonist, buries his parents and inherits the yard, as the cemetary is called, but has thoughts of marriage and a real life for himself. A murder thwarts his plans and leads to some serious juju to try to find out who the killer is. Dealing with the local witch has some Twilight Zone type drawbacks and consequences.
All things considered, it was a good short story and had a neat ending. There were a few typos that could use correcting, but the writing was generally good and had the desired effect. Not a bad effort for a short.